PEMBANGUNAN yang PENTING untuk CAPRES CAWAPRES terpilih tahun 2019 – 2024 :

1.Pembangunan BETON Pemecah Ombak di seluruh wilayah NEGARA INDONESIA manfaat = Mengurangi Tsunami dan Ombak Besar menjadi Kecil

2.Pembangunan BETON Penguat Fondasi Jembatan di seluruh sungai – sungai di NEGARA INDONESIA manfaat = Jembatan awet, tahan lama, hemat anggaran APBN

3.Penanaman Pohon MANGROVE, Beringin, Panggang, Kelapa, dan Pohon Keras lainnya di tanah-tanah Pantai sehingga kalau ada orang terseret TSUNAMI = masih kecantol di Pohon-pohon

4.Penanaman Pohon MANGROVE, Beringin, Panggang, Kelapa, dan Pohon Keras lainnya di tengah sungai saat sungai sedang KEMARAU sehingga kalau ada orang terseret Banjir = masih kecantol di Pohon-pohon

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Kajian Islam Ilmiyah Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah Bantul 2010


Hadirilah Kajian Islam Ilmiyah Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah

Tema : "Nasehat untuk kaum muslimin dalam menghadapi berbagai bencana"

Pembicara : Al Ustadz Abu Bakr 'Abdurrahman (Wonosari)

Tempat : Masjid Agung Manunggal, Bantul

Waktu : Ahad, 14 Dzulhijjah 1431 H / 21 November 2010
Pukul 09.00 - selesai

Peserta : Umum (Putra), Putri bisa mengikuti relay di Pondok Ar Ridlo Putri, Sangkal, Sewon, Bantul dan TA Ibnu Taimiyyah, Sedan, Ngaglik Sleman

Penyelenggara : Posko Salafiyyin Peduli Merapi bekerjasama dgn PAKIS dan takmir masjid Agung Manunggal, Bantul

Kontak : 0274 7170587

Demikian informasi ini semoga bermanfaat.


Kajian Perdana di Kota Garut

Kajian Perdana di Garut(21/11/2010)
Dikirim oleh pengelola, Senin 15 November 2010, kategori Info Dakwah
Penulis: Redaksi
.: :.


Kajian Perdana di Kota Garut, insya Allah akan dilaksanakan pada

Hari: Ahad

Tanggal : 21 November 2010 / 14 Dzulhijjah 1431 H

Waktu : Pukul 09.00-15.00 WIB

Tempat : Masjid Agung Garut

Pemateri : Al-Ustadz Abu Hamzah Yusuf Al Atsari

Topik: “Menjadi Muslim Yang Baik”

Demikian informasi ini semoga bermanfaat.


Link Download Kajian Menangkal Bahaya Pemikiran LIBERALISME

Kontak Person :
Pakis 0274 7170587, 085747566736

Link download :

Penyelenggara :
Panitia Kajian Islam PAKIS (Jogja & Bantul)
Kerjasama dgn ta'mir masjid Agung Manunggal

Demikian informasi ini semoga bermanfaat.


Minggu, 14 November 2010

Islam Against Extremism

Shaikh al-Fawzaan: Terrorists Did Not Learn Their Ideologies From Schools Or From Scholars
Filed under: Articles
Tuesday, October 28 2008 - by IslamAgainstExtremism
Key topics: Sayyid Qutb Abu Qatada

Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan, stated in an article in the newspaper, "ar-Riyaadh" dated 21/3/1424H, corresponding to 22nd May 2003:

... and Islam is not to be blamed for their action [that of the terrorists] as is said be the enemies of Islam - amongst the non-Muslms and hypocrites [that] "the religion of Islam is a religion of terrorism". And they argue by way of the actions of these criminals. Indeed, these actions of theirs are not from Islam, and Islam does not affirm them, nor does any religion.

It is rather a foreign ideology and the Prophet (sallallaahu alaiihi wa sallam) has encouraged the killing of its proponents, he said, "Wherever you come across them, then kill them".

And he promised a great reward for whoever killed them. And the one [who is to] fight them is the leader in charge of the affair of the Muslims, just as the Companions fought them [the khawarij, the Revolters] under the leadership of the Chief of the Believers, Alee bin Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him).

Some of the hypocrites and ignoramuses claim that the Muslim schools taught them this ideology, and that the teaching methodologies (curriculums) comprise such a deviated ideology, and they request change in the methodologies of teaching.

We say (in response): Indeed, the proponents of this ideology (of terrorism) did not graduate from the Muslim schools, nor did they take knowledge from the Muslim scholars because they (themselves) declare as unlawful studying in these schools, institutes and faculties. And they belittle the Muslim scholars, declaring them to be ignorant, and describe them as "paid workers of the sultans". Rather, they learn from the ideologues of the deviant ideology, and the youthful in age, foolish-minded who are like them - just as their predecessors (upon this deviant ideology) declared the scholars amongst the Companions to be ignorant and declared them as disbelievers.

Shaikh al-Fawzaan also stated in another article published in "al-Jazeerah", no. 11343, dated 26/11/1424H, corresponding to 19th January 2004:

And a group of those, who adopted the heretical ideology and were deceived by it, admitted that they did not take this (ideology) from the teaching methodologies (curriculums) that are taught in our schools in our land (Saudi Arabia), but that they took it from the ideas of the ideologues of the heretical ideology, from strange and peculiar [individuals] in the society that they meet with here and there. And the various media outlets have broadcast these admissions and explanations.

And from those whom they admitted being influenced by are Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisee, and Abu Qatada, and the book "In the Shade of the Qur'an" of Sayyid Qutb. These admissions have left no room for doubt that our methodologies (curriculums) - and all praise is due to Allaah - are free in every way from those corrupt ideologies, and that (our curriculums) teach goodness, a healthy belief and attitude in behaviour, and they encourage the adherence to the jamaa'ah (to unity and solidarity), and the obligation of hearing and obeying (those in authority).

The reality of the affair is that the extremists and terrorists consider all Muslim states to be apostate states, and thus judge that studying in any of the state run schools, or under whom they call "state scholars" is prohibited. Thus, they never took their extremist ideologies from state schools or from the scholars in the Muslim lands.

The real sources of their extremist ways lie in the books and ideas of Sayyid Qutb and the influence of Qutb upon subsequent political movements and activist figureheads. This includes people like Ayman az-Zawahiri, Abu Qatada, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi (otherwise known as Isaam al-Barqaawee) and Abu Mustafa al-Haleemah, and all those who are poisoned with their poison.

Source: Quotations are from "Fikr at-Takfeer, Qadeeman wa Hadeethan", (The Ideology of Takfir, Past and Present) by Abdus-Salam bin Saalim bin Rajaa as-Sihimi, Dar al-Imaam Ahmad, 1426H (2005CE). Translation by IslamAgainstExtremism.Com

Link : Syaikh Shalih Al Fawzan ,Terrorists Did Not Learn Their Ideologies From Schools Or From Scholars

Tentang Radio Syiar Sunnah

Tentang Radio Syiar Sunnah

Radio Online Syiar Sunnah ini sebelumnya adalah fasilitas streaming kajian yang dikelola oleh Al-Ilmu pada situs Alhamdulillah selanjutnya dikembangkan menjadi radio online. Melalui fasilitas tersebut telah disiarkan banyak kajian dan dauroh ahlussunnah wal jamaah dari berbagai daerah, termasuk di antaranya adalah siaran langsung Dauroh Nasional bersama masyaikh ahlussunnah Timur Tengah beberapa kali.

Dalam rangka pengelolaan yang lebih baik dan beberapa rencana pengembangan ke depan insya Allah, maka mulai tahun 2008 fasilitas tersebut dikelola oleh Yayasan Darussunnah Al-Islamy dan menjadi bernama Radio Online Syiar Sunnah. Jadwal siaran dihadirkan lebih baik dan rapi, sehingga lebih mudah dan lebih bermanfaat untuk disimak oleh kaum muslimin yang bisa mengakses internet di mana saja dan di Yogyakarta.

Pengelola Radio Syiar Sunnah

Dikelola di bawah naungan Yayasan Darussunnah Al-Islamy Yogyakarta

Penasehat: Al Ustadz Nashr Abdul Karim Lc

Pelaksana: Abu Husain Munajat, Abu Abdil Halim Zulkarnain

Alhamdulillah pada pertengahan 2009 Radio Syiar Sunnah telah mengudara di gelombang AM 1440 kHz yang menjangkau kota Yogyakarta.

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Jadwal kajian rutin Ahad di Tangerang

Salafy/Salaf/Salafee/Salafi di Kabupaten dan Kota di Indonesia
Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah di Kabupaten dan Kota di Indonesia
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Kajian/Jadwal Kajian Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah di Kabupaten dan Kota
Ustadz/Ustaz Salafy/Salafee/Salaf/Salafi di Kabupaten dan Kota 
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Ustadz Fawzaan (CIAMIS) 0812-1920-9841 
Ustadz Ibrohim 0813-9278-7776
Ustadz Syaiful Bahri (KROYA) 0852-9113-1002
Ustadz Miftah 1 (CILACAP) 0877-0509-7071 
Ustadz Miftah 2 (CILACAP) 0896-4861-7298
Ustadz Miftah 3 (CILACAP) 0897-8229-536
Ustadz Miftah 4 (CILACAP) 0852-1013-9033
Ustadz Khalid (KEBUMEN) 0821-3419-6758
Ustadz Ali Nurdin (TIMIKA, PAPUA) 0821-3844-9562
Pondok Darul Atsar (TEMANGGUNG) 0852-9019-8878 
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Nomor Telepon Ustadz Salafy/Salafi/Salaf/Salafee = 
Ustadz Qomar Sua'idi (TEMANGGUNG) 0813-2877-4971 
Ustadz Abdul Haq (YOGYAKARTA) 0274-7877151
Ustadz Fawzaan (CIAMIS) 0812-1920-9841 
Ustadz Ibrohim 0813-9278-7776
Ustadz Syaiful Bahri (KROYA) 0852-9113-1002
Ustadz Miftah 1 (CILACAP) 0877-0509-7071 
Ustadz Miftah 2 (CILACAP) 0896-4861-7298
Ustadz Miftah 3 (CILACAP) 0897-8229-536
Ustadz Miftah 4 (CILACAP) 0852-1013-9033
Ustadz Khalid (KEBUMEN) 0821-3419-6758
Ustadz Ali Nurdin (TIMIKA, PAPUA) 0821-3844-9562
Pondok Darul Atsar (TEMANGGUNG) 0852-9019-8878 
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Ustadz Qomar Sua'idi (TEMANGGUNG) 0813-2877-4971 
Ustadz Abdul Haq (YOGYAKARTA) 0274-7877151
Ustadz Fawzaan (CIAMIS) 0812-1920-9841 
Ustadz Ibrohim 0813-9278-7776
Ustadz Syaiful Bahri (KROYA) 0852-9113-1002
Ustadz Miftah 1 (CILACAP) 0877-0509-7071 
Ustadz Miftah 2 (CILACAP) 0896-4861-7298
Ustadz Miftah 3 (CILACAP) 0897-8229-536
Ustadz Miftah 4 (CILACAP) 0852-1013-9033
Ustadz Khalid (KEBUMEN) 0821-3419-6758
Ustadz Ali Nurdin (TIMIKA, PAPUA) 0821-3844-9562
Pondok Darul Atsar (TEMANGGUNG) 0852-9019-8878 
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